In order to improve the effect of intelligent fertilisation, according to actual fertilisation needs, this paper combines big data technology to perform data analysis, and designs a variable fertilisation mechanical structure that can be used for mixed fertilisation to realise mixed fertilisation of multiple crops. Moreover, from the perspective of precise fertilisation, this paper combines the actual needs of variable fertilisation to construct a control system, and adopts an adaptive federated filter structure to solve the influence of equipment errors on system position estimation. In addition, this paper solves the problems of excessive partial application and low fertiliser utilisation in traditional fertilisation, as well as the resulting waste, environmental pollution, and poor quality of agricultural products. Furthermore, this paper designs and manufactures a dual-variable application test device, and conducted a fertiliser discharge test on the test device. Finally, this paper uses big data technology to analyze the experimental data of variable fertilisation operation machinery. From the experimental research, it can be seen that the effect of the fertilisation operation machinery designed in this paper meets actual needs.