Some Entomofauna herbivores species related with fig trees in Bambili (North-West Region-Cameroon)

This work was undertaken from March to June 2019 in the Bambili locality to assess the diverse insect species visiting ficus plants. Direct observations on the tree were done trice per week for daily periods: 7-10am, 11am-2pm, 3-5pm. Ficus arboretum, Ficus carica, Ficus infectoria, Ficus maxima, Ficus sur and Ficus virens were identified. Seven arthropod species belonging to five Orders were recorded. Out of these, two species (ants, wasps) belonged to Hymenoptera (74.89%), two others species (Moth, butterfly) belong to Lepidoptera (4.53%); 21.27%, Mecoptera (3.05%) and Coleoptera (0.62%) are represented each by aphids, beetles and scorpion flies respectively.