Development of Early Childhood Education Management Model Based on National Education Standards and Management Information System (MPAUD-SNSI)

The low quality of early childhood education management in Indonesia can be seen from the results of accreditation that refer to national education standards. This study offers a solution that is to streamline management through the application of a management model based on national standards for early childhood education, which is integrated with a management information system. This article describes the process of formulating and testing a model called MPAUD-SNSI. The tests conducted at 45 schools in Bengkulu Province showed that the model and application of the management information system produced in this study were valid and reliable. The spider diagram simulation feature in the application can conduct a self-evaluation before applying for accreditation. This evaluation helps schools to improve the quality of management sustainably. The empirical test results show that if the indicators in the PAUD-SNSI model are applied in schools, the level of effectiveness of school management can reach the very effective criteria.