Phase-only femtosecond optical pulse shaping based on an all-dielectric polarization-insensitive metasurface

Recently, metasurfaces capable of manipulating the amplitude and the phase of an incident wave in a broad frequency band have been employed for femtosecond optical pulse shaping purposes. In this study, we introduce a phase-only pulse shaper based on an all-dielectric CMOS-compatible polarization-insensitive metasurface, composed of Si nano cylinders sitting on a fused silica substrate. The required phase profile of the metasurface for desired waveforms are calculated using an iterative Fourier transform algorithm, and the pertbrmance of the pulse shaper metasurface in implementing the phase masks was assessed using full-wave simulations. Such approach for realizing a polarization-insensitive metasurface-based phase-only pulse shaper has never been investigated to the best of our knowledge. It is demonstrated that the simulated results of the proposed metasurface-based pulse shaper is in great agreement with the results of the algorithm, while exhibiting a very high transmission efficiency. This work indicates yet another exciting but not fully examined application of meta-structures that is the optical pulse shaping. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

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