The article presents data on the development of side effects from anticoagulant prophylaxis in pregnant women with diseases of the cardiovascular system. In particular, the anticoagulant effects on the skeletal system. Were studied the features of sonographic examination in this category of patients. The level of the main biomarkers of osteosynthesis and osteoresorption during pregnancy was studied. Were analyzed the influence of anticoagulants on the level of biomarkers of bone metabolism. Has been studied the relationship between densitometry data and calcitonin levels in pregnant women. The main aspects of the formation of osteopenic syndrome and osteoporosis in pregnant women with heart disease are considered. Has been studied the relationship between the clinical manifestations of osteopenic syndrome and the level of biomarkers of bone metabolism. Proposed the drug correction of the development of side effects due to anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis.