电网企业承担着国家能源民生工程建设的重任,对其发展潜力进行客观评估有助于解决其面临的发展困境,具有重要的实践意义。本研究运用模糊层次分析法(FAHP),根据8位电力行业专家的评估结果建立了基于社会效益、经济效益、环境效益及技术保障四个维度的发展潜力评价体系,用以分析电网企业在能源民生领域发展中存在的优势与不足。另外,本研究以吉林省电网为例,应用所构建的评价体系详细评估并分析了吉林电网在各方面的表现及其总体的发展潜力,验证了本研究所构建的发展潜力评价体系的合理性和科学性。 In the field of energy related to people’s livelihood, power grid enterprises undertake the important task of the construction of national energy projects. Objective assessment of power grid enterprises’ development potential will help solve the development dilemma of power grid enterprises, which has important practical significance. To comprehensively analyze the advantages and disadvantages of power grid enterprises in their development, this study establishes a development potential evaluation system including four dimensions of social benefits, economic benefits, environmental benefits, and technical support by using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to analyze the data from 8 related experts. In addition, the constructed evaluation system was used to evaluate and analyze the performance and the development potential of Jilin Power Grid in various aspects. The result verifies the rationality and scientificity of the development potential evaluation system.

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