Contextualized Language Generation on Visual-to-Language Storytelling

This study presents a formulation for generating context-aware natural language by machine from visual representation. Given an image sequence input, the visual storytelling task (VST) aims to generate a coherent, object-focused, and contextualized sentence story. Previous works in this domain faced a problem in modeling an architecture that works in temporal multi-modal data, which led to a low-quality output, such as low lexical diversity, monotonous sentences, and inaccurate context. This study introduces a further improvement, that is, an end-to-end architecture, called cross-modal contextualize attention, optimized to extract visual-temporal features and generate a plausible story. Visual object and non-visual concept features are encoded from the convolutional feature map, and object detection features are joined with language features. Three scenarios are defined in decoding language generation by incorporating weights from a pre-trained language generation model. Extensive experiments are conducted to confirm that the proposed model outperforms other models in terms of automatic metrics and manual human evaluation.

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