Metric‐preserving mappings

It is shown that the set F of bijective mappings on a metric space which preserve the metric, forms a group under composition. A metric don Rn is developed using continuous bijective functions g 1 ... ,gn on R, it is shown that dinduces the usual topology on Rn. In R1 with the metric d,the group Fg of metric preserving bijective mappings is shown to be isomorphic to the group F( of bijective mappings in R which preserve the usual metric or a subgroup of F 1 if the function g 1 is not surjective. A method of generating metrics from an existing metric is introduced. It is shown that these metrics induce the same topology on Rn and the group of metric preserving bijective mappings is isomorphic to the group Fn of metric preserving mappings in Rn with the same topology. If the metric on Rn is induced by some norm, then it is shown that the group of bijective mappings which preserve the above metric is isomorphic to a subgroup of Fn. It is seen that Ulam's conjecture ‘if dis a metric on Rn which induces the usual topology on Rn, then the set of bijective mappings in Rn which preserve dis a group under composition and is isomorphic to a subgroup of the group of mappings which preserve the usual metric’, holds in the cases studied above.

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