Pengaruh Lingkungan dan Elevasi Terhadap Kualitas Fitokimia dan Cita Rasa Kopi Robusta Muria Kudus

Factors that affect quality and taste, one of which is the elevation (height) of coffee plants. This factor is an external factor that is hardlined. The best way is to plant coffee at the most suitable elevation and post-harvest processing. The aim of the study was to see an increase in coffee content and the roasting component of organoleptic coffee. Research uses survey methods and to use Microsoft Excel. This research was conducted at Mount Muria Kudus. The elevation carried out in this study is 400-600 masl, 800-1,000 masl, 1,200 masl and> 1,200 masl. Jenins roasting that is currently under study is mild roast, medium roast and dark roast. The paramaeter observed included the content of antioxidants, ash, air, fat, caffeine and organoleptics which included color, texture, aroma, and taste. The results showed that for Muria Robusta coffee, the higher the elevation the higher the antioxidant content, caffeine and water content, while at the ash and maximum levels at an altitude of 800-1.00 masl and fat content at an altitude of 1,200 masl.