采集程海野生大眼圆吻鲴,在池塘养殖条件下,人工培育至性成熟,采用人工混合催产药物进行繁殖试验。通过比较发现,大眼圆吻鲴注射催产剂后自然产卵的方法最佳,不仅降低亲鱼的死亡率,而且受精率较高。本研究的结果将对大眼圆吻鲴人工繁育、苗种育成提供一定的技术上指导,为其种群资源的恢复打下坚实的基础。 The wild broodstocks are cultivated to sexual maturity under the condition of pond farming. The reproduction experiment was carried out by using artificial mixture of oxytocin drugs. The test showed that it was the best method for natural spawning after injection of oxytocin, which not only reduced mortality rate of broodstocks, but also had high fertilization rate. The results of this study will provide technical guidance for Distoechodon macrophthalmus artificial breeding and seedling breed breeding, and lay a solid foundation for its population resource recovery.