Fashion programs includes specified designing and making courses, such as fashion sketching and draping, other courses train the students on some skills which are related to fashion indirectly, such as fabrics dyeing, the model of the current study. Through observing, investigating, and within the experience of online teaching Fabric Dyeing at University of Nizwa 2020 Fall semester and 2021 Fall semester in pandemic time, the researcher found that the objectives concentrated on teaching definitions and procedures of dyeing, theoretically and practically. The objective of using dyed fabrics in the field of designing fashion is not included in the course syllabus, adding this objective (Dyed Fashion) unleashes and liberates creativity thinking and open the gate of producing creative fashion. Online learning which enhances critical thinking through sharing students the applications within LMS - learning management system, Moodle in the current study. Descriptive approach is followed, through three scales, measuring: Students' satisfaction of the current course, opinion scale for proposed dyed fashion designs and opinion scale for students' attitude toward the proposed lesson. The results indicate the actual need for developing the course and adding the proposed lesson (Dyed Fashion), the proposed lesson enhances the mental abilities of student and rising design sense, the proposed lesson is high potential for application through online teaching/learning

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