Business Data Extraction Using a Programming Language

In the era of great informational quantity, the presence of technologies that assist in the extraction, transformation, and loading of data has become increasingly necessary. The term Big Data, usually used to describe this volume of information, requires the user to have knowledge of multiple tools such as Excel, VBA, SQL, Tableau, Python, Spark, AWS, and so on. In this context, the present work aims to study data extraction techniques using different methodologies. At the end of the work, a library of functions in the Python language will be made available that will deliver a compilation of stock price information available on the Yahoo Finance website as well as balance sheets from financial institutions released by Bacen. The main resource used will be Web Scraping, which is a method that aims to automate data collection via the web. Once the collection of functions has been structured, it will be made available for public enjoyment through the GitHub platform.