Repatriando capital sin plata.

El texto examina el movimiento de capitales a gran y pequeña escala entre Venezuela y España a partir de un estudio de caso apoyado sobre fondos documentales privados: un libro de caja y fragmentos de la correspondencia (335 cartas) del indiano montañés Esteban González de Linares (1751–1802). Éste se convirtió durante su estancia en Caracas (1785-1791) en agente para la remesa de capitales a la península. La escasez de numerario de alta denominación en la provincia de Caracas implicó que la repatriación de capitales pudo dar un impulso definitivo tanto a la exportación de frutos coloniales (cacao, añil) como al desarrollo del mercado financiero (letras y libranzas). This paper offers some evidences about the circulation of capital between Venezuela and Spain at the end of the eighteenth century through the case study of the Spanish merchant Esteban González de Linares (1751-1802). Our sources are private nature: an accounting book and 335 letters. These documents show a wide variety of channels to the transfer of capitals from Venezuela to Spain, both at large operations and small deliveries. González de Linares became, during his stay in Caracas (1785-1791), an important agent in the transfer of savings from the colony. The scarcity of silver and gold in Venezuela during this period justifies that the transfer of capital did promote the export of groceries (cocoa, indigo) and the development of financial markets (orders and bills of exchange).