Pengembangan Sistem Otomatisasi AC dan Lampu Menggunakan Fuzzy dan Raspberry Pi

Automation of AC and lamps is done to save energy used in everyday. In the development of AC and lamps automation need to implement a device that has the maximum function with a minimal price. Raspberry Pi is a device or module with a low price that can perform wireless communication without the help of other modules. In the development of air AC and lamps automation also required a method that is able to control the flame AC and lamps. The application of the fuzzy method can be done to collect the space state information obtained from the sensor to determine the flame of the AC and the lamps automatically. Therefore, this research proposes development of AC and lamps automation using Raspberry Pi and Fuzzy. Automation of AC and lamps using Raspberry Pi which apply Fuzzy method can save energy up to 47,22% in case of AC and 57,62% for lamps lumenation.