Airport Information Systems—Landside Management Information Systems

Research on the intersection of the areas of aviation and management information systems is sparse. Just as within other economic sectors, members of the aviation sector must incorporate new and existing technologies as they grow to maintain their competitive edge whether in aircraft systems, airports or other aerospace and aviation related industries. A proper classification is a prerequisite to systems alignment. This paper reviews landside airport information management systems, and their connections and interoperability with other systems and who the key airport users are. The information presented in this paper is based on interviews and data collection at a number of representative airports across the United States. Airport size and function are key considerations in the acquisition of information management system airside or land side. The implication is that not all airports are equipped in the same manner and therefore these systems can only be considered as representative of what exists “on the ground”. This paper represents a point of departure or a reference for those researchers interested in a more indepth study of airport information systems on the landside.