Photon Condensation and Enhanced Magnetism in Cavity QED

A system of magnetic molecules coupled to microwave cavities (LC resonators) undergoes the equilibrium superradiant phase transition. The transition is experimentally observable. The effect of the coupling is first illustrated by the vacuum-induced ferromagnetic order in a quantum Ising model and then by the modification of the magnetic phase diagram of Fe8 dipolar crystals, exemplifying the cooperation between intrinsic and photon-induced spin-spin interactions. Finally, a transmission experiment is shown to resolve the transition, measuring the quantum electrodynamical control of magnetism.
Funding Information
  • European Cooperation in Science and Technology (862893 FATMOLS)
  • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MAT2017-88358-C3-1-R, RTI2018-096075-B-C21, PCI2018-093116, EUR2019-103823)
  • Gobierno de Aragón (E09-17R Q-MAD)
  • Fundación BBVA