Trace eyeblink conditioning is associated with changes in synaptophysin immunoreactivity in the cerebellar interpositus nucleus in guinea pigs

Synaptic plasticity plays a role during trace eyeblink conditioning (TEBC). Synaptophysin (Syn) is a major integral transmembrane protein, located particularly in the synaptic vesicles, and is considered a molecular marker of synapses. In addition, Syn immunoreactivity is an important indicator of synaptic plasticity. In this study, we used immunohistochemical techniques to assess changes in Syn expression in the cerebellar IN of guinea pigs exposed to TEBC and pseudoconditioning. Additionally, we analyzed the relationship between Syn immunoreactivity and the percentage of trace-conditioned responses. Guinea pigs underwent trace conditioning or pseudoconditioning. Following 2, 6, or 10 sessions, they were perfused and the cerebellum was removed for Syn immunohistochemical evaluation. After session 6 and 10, a significant increase in conditioned response (CR) percentage was observed in the trace-conditioned group, with the CR percentage reaching the learning criteria following session 10. Besides, for trace-conditioned animals, the Syn expression in IN was found significantly upregulated after session 10 compared to pseudo-conditioned ones. Our data suggest that the increase in Syn expression links to synaptic plasticity changes in the cerebellar IN and provides a histological substrate in the IN relating to TEBC training. The changing trend of Syn immunoreactivity in the IN is associated with CR percentage.