Evaluasi Penggunaan Silica+® sebagai Feed Additive terhadap Metabolisme Mineral, Status Kesehatan dan Kualitas Ekskreta Broiler

This study aimed to evaluate dietary inclusion of silica+® on mineral metabolism, health status and excreta quality of broilers. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 6 replications (40 birds of each). The treatments were high nutrient diet (T1), T1 + silica+® 200 ppm (T2), low nutrient diet (T3), T3 + silica+® 200 ppm (T4), feed contain local feedstuff (rice bran) (T5), T5 + silica+® 200 ppm (T6). Parameters measured were minerals consumption, minerals retention, mineral content of the tibia, blood profile (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocytes, differentiation of leukocytes and ratio H/L) and excreta quality (pH, water content and ammonia). The results showed that using silika+® 200 ppm increased (P