The second part of the article deals with the initial steps of Serbian immigrants in their new homeland after the arrival of their first team, headed by I. Horvath from Austria to Kiev in October 1751. The regulatory framework for the creation and development of New Serbia, the first of two Serbian settlements on the Ukrainian lands of the Russian Empire. It is precisely the imperial decree of December 24, 1751, in which the concept of the organization of the settlement of the Serbian settlers was stated, the first stone was laid for the legislative and regulatory basis on which to equip them in a new place. It is stated that the status of new subjects in this document is defined as “border police”, which is tracing the German term “landmilitia”. It is indicated that in accordance with the decree of the Senate of December 29, 1751, it was decided to establish four regular regiments, “including two Hussars, and two Pandur, each regiment of 4000 people, in which there are 1000 grenadiers of the infantry two regiments”, the boundaries of the new settlement with reference to specific spatial landmarks are detailed, the standards for the extrusion of land for settlements and settlers are defined. The content of another important regulatory document is disclosed – signed in the Senate on January 11, 1752, “The Letter of Appeal to Major General Horvath”, in which the foundations of the organization and functioning of the new settlement are finally settled, practical recommendations are given on most of the practical issues that arose during the preparation and implementation Justification of the Serbs in a new place. The content and features of the Senate "Instructions" to Major General Glebov of February 3, 1752, which contained a number of new provisions aimed at clarifying and developing the settlement project, were examined. Special attention is paid to the relations of Serbian settlers and local residents of the “Dnieper places”, which were neither simple nor good-neighborly. The regulatory framework of the second Serbian settlement on Ukrainian lands - Slavic Serbia – which was commissioned to create I. Shevich and R. Preradovic was analyzed. The course of events related to the beginning of its settlement by Serbian and other settlers is described. The circumstances leading to the end of New Serbia and Slavic Serbia and the completion of the organized resettlement of the Serbs were clarified.