后《巴黎协定》时期,欧盟等经济体纷纷提出绿色新政,希望通过绿色低碳发展来创造就业、促进经济增长,这种趋势在后疫情时代得到进一步强化。依托着全球低碳技术的蓬勃发展,新旧动能加速转换,全球经济社会正迈入低碳化变革时代,有必要从“新经济”视角来审视低碳发展。据此,本文尝试性提出低碳新经济战略研究命题,提出低碳新经济的概念,系统梳理了低碳新经济的技术、产业、业态和模式“四新”内涵,并综述性分析了低碳新经济特有的环境正外部性、高行业渗透性、强技术溢出性、规模成本递减(类摩尔效应)、边际收益递增等规律特征。进一步的,借鉴主要发达国家低碳新经济的经验和做法,剖析中国低碳新经济发展现状和存在问题。最后,并提出低碳新经济发展的战略导向和下一步研究方向。 In the post Paris agreement period, EU and other major economies have put forward green new policies, hoping to create jobs and promote economic growth through low-carbon development. This trend has been further strengthened in the post-pandemic era. With the vigorous development of low-carbon technology and the accelerated replacing of new and old economy’s momentum, the global economy and society are entering a great era of low-carbon transformation. It is necessary to understand low-carbon development from the perspective of “new economy”. Accordingly, the pa-per attempted to put forward the concept of low-carbon new economy, and systematically analyzed the connotation of technology, industry, format and mode of low-carbon new economy. The authors put forward five characteristics of low-carbon new economy, such as positive environmental exter-nality, high industry permeability, strong technology spillover, decreasing scale cost (Moore effect) and increasing marginal revenue. Moreover, drawing experiences from developed countries, this paper analyzes the status quo and existing problems of low-carbon new economy at home and abroad. At length, the strategic orientation of low-carbon new economic development and the next research direction were put forward.