Specific Features of the Generation Z Family Values System

The research featured family values of the so-called Generation Z. The survey involved an authentic survey, S. S. Nosov’s Family Values Questionnaire, and the Morphological Test of Life Values developed by V. F. Sopov and L. V. Karpushina. A comparative analysis proved that Generation Z and Generation Y have both similar and different views on family values. The sphere of marriage and parenting had more differences, while the sphere of kinship showed more similarities. Representatives of Generation Z appeared to accept the idea of cohabitation; they also tended to get married relatively late in life. The gap between the optimal age of marriage for men and women proved to be quite narrow, while the age of first childbirth for women approximated that of men. In general, Generation Z shifted to an egalitarian family type. Unlike Generation Y, members of Generation Z valued spiritual satisfaction and underestimated achievements. In the hierarchy of family life values, they focused on spiritual satisfaction, self-development, individuality, and active social contacts. The research results can be used in health and family life education programs.

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