Pharmacognosy, phytochemistry and pharmacological use of Dipcadi erythraeum: Noteworthy ethno medicinal plant of Indian Thar desert

This ethno-botanical study describes the traditional knowledge related to the use of Dipcadi erythraeum used by the tribes and communities residue in the Great Indian Desert or Indian Thar Desert. Dipcadi erythraeum (synonym- Dipcadi unicolor, Ornithogalum erythraeum, Uropetalon erythraeum, Uropetalon unicolor, Uropetalum unicolor) also known for Jangli Dungri is recently belonging to the subfamily Scilloideae of the family Asparagaceae and mainly found in rocky and gravelly habitats having greater medicinal values such as leaves are laxatives, used as an ointment for wounds, while whole plant is used for cough, biliousness, diabetes, urinary and discharge. This paper also deals with the focus on conservation of Dipcadi erythraeum because Due to soil erosion, over exploitation of rocks and hills, over grazing, habitat loss Dipcadi erythraeum is recently categorized as rare, endangered and threatened plant by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and WCMC (World Conservation Monitoring System).