ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) menganalisis pengaruh model problem based learning ditinjau dari motivasi belajar fisika, 2) menganalisis pengaruh model problem based learning ditinjau dari keterampilan proses sains siswa, 3) menganalisis pengaruh model problem based learning terhadap motivasi belajar dan keterampilan proses sains siswa ditinjau dari tingkatan kelas, dan 4) menganalisis pengaruh model problem based learning terhadap motivasi belajar dan keterampilan proses sains siswa ditinjau dari materi pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah meta analisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu : 1) model pembelajaran problem based learning memberikan pengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar fisika siswa SMA dengan rata-rata effect size 0,73 kategori sedang, 2) model pembelajaran problem based learning memberikan pengaruh terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa dengan effect size 0,62 kategori sedang, 3) model pembelajaran problem based learning memberikan pengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar dan keterampilan proses sains fisika pada tingkatan kelas X, XI dan XII dengan effect size 0,86 kategori tinggi, 0,47 kategori sedang dan 0,28 kategori sedang, dan 4) model pembelajaran problem based learning memberikan pengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar dan keterampilan proses sains pada materi listrik dinamis dengan effect size 2,02 kategori tinggi. Kata kunci: Problem Based Learning; Motivasi; Keterampilan Proses Sains. ABSTRACT This study aims to 1) analyze the effect of the problem based learning model in terms of motivation to learn physics, 2) analyze the effect of the problem based learning model in terms of students' science process skills, 3) analyze the effect of the problem based learning model on students' learning motivation and science process skills in terms of from the grade level, and 4) analyzing the effect of the problem based learning model on students' learning motivation and science process skills in terms of learning materials. The type of research applied in this study is a meta-analysis. The results of this study are: 1) the problem based learning model has an influence on the motivation to learn physics for high school students with an average effect size of 0.73 in the medium category, 2) the problem based learning model has an effect on students' science process skills with an effect size 0.62 medium category, 3) problem based learning learning model has an influence on learning motivation and physics science process skills at the level of class X, XI and XII with an effect size of 0.86 high category, 0.47 medium category and 0.28 category medium, and 4) the problem based learning model has an influence on learning motivation and science process skills on dynamic electrical material with an effect size of 2.02 in the high category. Keywords: Problem Based Learning; Motivation; Science Process Skills.