Un estudio piloto de la relación entre la creatividad, las inteligencias múltiples y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de educación obligatoria

One of the main challenges at present is to achieve high - quality Education, one which takes into account, along with the whole teaching-learning process, the students’ diverse abilities, skills and cognitive, social and emotional aptitudes. The insertion of multiple intelligences, as well as variables such as creativity, may contribute to the development of singular capacities and students’ school performance. Studying the way these variables are related is imperative. The objective of this investigation consists in analyzing the link between Creativity, Multiple Intelligences and Academic Performance among Colombian primary school students. The design for this study is a non-experimental – descriptive – correlating focus, in which a sample of 40 subjects was studied; 20 girls and 20 boys with an age average of 10,051. All of them studying 5th grade in primary school at the Educational Institution Ana Elisa Cuenca Lara, branch Santa Ana, at the municipality of Yaguará – Hulia – Colombia. Their creativity was estimated through the use of two tests, one subjective, Turtle (1980), and one objective of execution EMUC, Sánchez (2006). To meet the Multiple Intelligences, it was applied a full specific inventory filled out by the valued students’ teachers, taken from Valero (2015). For the academic performance, the 2015’s subjects’ school record was taken as a reference. As statistical analysis, it was applied the descriptive – correlating (Person’s correlation coefficient), with the statistical software SPSS, version 2.2. The results obtained confirm all hypotheses contemplated, making evident a statistically meaningful and positive connection between the three variables analyzed. Finally, it analyzes the results for Multiple Intelligences and creativity as empowering strategies for the valued subjects’ academic development in this investigation’s sample