Ergonomics is about ’fit’: the fit between people, the things they do, the objects they use and the environments they work in. Sitting at classes on a comfortable seat advances the comfort, health, well-being and safety of the person who uses the chair. The poor ergonomic classroom furniture is frequently considered one of the major causes of severe posture problems in adulthood .The most engineering class room activities involve sitting for long period of time, with little or no breaks .The poorly designed furniture fails to take account of anthropometric measurements & characteristics of its user has a negative influence of the human health. The purpose of study was to examine the anthropometric match of the classroom furniture with standard ones. The dimensions of the table and desks are available by measuring in class room. The writing desk was made up by composite wood which is covered by thin layer of mica sheet. The sitting and lying table were made up of massive wood. The structural defect of the furniture like cracks, scratches and breaks were also taken into account.