Social and technological dimensions; and constraint analysis in sugarcane cultivation of Theni district of Tamil Nadu, India

Bridging the yield gap in any crop cultivation should be the prime objective of any research efforts. By following the recommended production-cum-protection technologies, farmers can bridge the yield gap in any crop. As per sugarcane is concerned, the average cane yield in Tamil Nadu is 101 t/ha, which is lower than the potential yield of 203.7 t/ha resulting in yield gap of 50.42%. With this in mind, a study has been initiated to explore the social and technology dimensions and constraints involved in cane cultivation to addressing the issue of yield gap. Six blocks from Theni district under Rajshree Sugars & Chemicals Ltd were selected as study area. Information collected from sixty sugarcane farmers with semi structured interview schedule. The study revealed that majority (91.7%) of the respondents had more than 5 years of experience in sugarcane cultivation. Further, it revealed that the technologies, seed rate (83.3%), planting season (75.00%), primary tillage with mould board / disc plough (67%), gap filling, two split application of N and K (58.3%) and Organic fertilizer application (58.3%), stubble shaving, off baring (50.0%) had adoption rate of more than 50 percentage. Major constraints faced by cent per cent of the respondents were; non availability of labour and high labour cost, prolonged drought and water scarcity, low procuring cost per by sugar factory, yield reduction due to continuous cultivation of sugarcane. The novelty and importance of the study is that it mainly analysis all the sugarcane production and protection technologies from seed rate to harvest in three point continuum viz., fully adopted, partially adopted and not adopted.