If you need full access to the book, please write an email to the Publisher. Your request will be redirected to the author. If s/he is interested, s/he will directly contact you using the email address you have specified to discuss the conditions for obtaining access without the intermediary of the Publisher. The monograph is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations and substantiation of the conceptual basis for ensuring the stability of the functioning and organizational development of large-scale economic and production systems based on institutional regulation of the interaction of participants in such systems. The nonlinear paradigm of ensuring the sustainability of organizational development based on modeling the dynamics of development and using the concept of the life cycle is justified. The parameters of architectural support for the interaction of participants in large-scale economic and production systems in the implementation of organizational development projects are justified. The structure and components of the organizational development mechanism of the enterprise of a participant in a large-scale economic and production system are determined. Institutional support of the sustainability management contours of the organizational development of the economic-derivative system is proposed. The regularities of the implementation of organizational transformations of the enterprise management structure and the parameters of the organization of change planning in the process of industrial enterprise development are determined. Recommended for researchers, practitioners, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions of an economic profile.