Salah satu produk olahan tuna di Kabupaten Pulau Morotai yang telah mencapai pasar internasional adalah tuna loin beku yang diproduksi oleh PT. Harta Samudra. Kondisi sanitasi dan hygiene pada proses produksi menjadi penentu keamanan produk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji penerapan sanitasi dan hygiene pada pengolahan tuna loin beku di PT. Harta Samudra. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November sampai bulan Desember 2019. Pengambilan data di lapangan terbagi dalam dua tahap yaitu survey dan pengambilan data primer yang terdiri dari wawancara, pengisian kuesioner, dan ikut dalam proses produksi serta data sekunder berupa SSOP PT. Harta Samudra. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan studi literature. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa aspek sanitasi dan hygiene yang diamati antara lain: personal hygiene pekerja, sanitasi dan hygiene bahan baku, sanitasi dan hygiene air dan es, sanitasi dan hygiene perlengkapan dan peralatan, sanitasi dan hygiene ruang pengolahan, sanitasi dan hygiene produk akhir, serta sanitasi dan hygiene limbah. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa pengolahan tuna loin beku di PT. Harta Samudra sangat memperatian sanitasi dan hygiene berdasarkan standar yang telah ditetapkan dalam SSOP.SANITATION AND HYGIENE FOR FREEZED LOIN TUNA PROCESSING AT PT. HARTA SAMUDRA, MOROTAI ISLAND DISTRICT. One of the refined Tuna product in Morotai Island Regency that have reached International Markets is freezing loin tuna was producing by PT. Harta Samudra. The sanitary and hygienist of the producing process become the determinant of product’s safety. The purpose of this research is to study the sanitary and hygiene application on the Processing at PT. Harta Samudra. The research has done from November to December 2019. The collecting data is filed divide into two steps, which is survey and collecting the primary data from interview, filling questionnaires, and following the production process, also the SSOP of PT. Harta Samudra as the secondary data. The data analysis in descriptive and literature study ways. The research results shows that the sanitary and hygiene aspects that observed , there are: personal hygiene worker, sanitary and hygiene of materials, sanity and hygiene of water and ice, sanitary & hygiene of the tools, sanitary and hygiene of processing room, sanity and hygiene final product, also sanitary and hygiene of waste. The final study showed that the processing of freezing loin tuna at PT. Harta Samudra is really taking care of the sanitary and hygiene based on the SSOP standard.