Police Efforts in Combating and Preventing Illegal Racing Among Youth

The objectives of this research are; (1) To find out the factors that cause illegal racing activities in Soppeng Regency; (2) To find out the efforts made by the police in the jurisdiction of the Soppeng Police in preventing and overcoming illegal racing; (3) To find out the obstacles faced by the Soppeng Police in preventing and dealing with illegal racing. This research uses a normative approach and a sociological approach. The samples in this study were the Head of the Soppeng Police Traffic Unit and 2 members of the Soppeng Police Traffic Unit in charge of traffic patrol issues. This study uses interviews and observations in collecting data. The results showed that the factors causing the occurrence of illegal racing among teenagers were; (1) Low understanding of norms prevailing in society; (2) lack of supervision and environmental care; (3) alternative entertainment; (4) as a means of self-actualization and means of socializing; (5) As a show off (6) to create happiness; (7) As a means of self-actualization. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced in dealing with illegal racing among teenagers; (1) Lack of personnel; (2) Increasing illegal racing by teenagers; (3) Facilities and Infrastructure; (4) Lack of community support. Meanwhile, the efforts made in dealing with illegal racing among teenagers; (1) Increase patrol activities in places that are considered prone to illegal racing; (2) Routine inspection of motorized vehicles; (3) Conduct socialization and counselling, especially in schools.