The purpose of the study was to study the clinical and anamnestic characteristics of women with specific vaginitis in different age groups from different angles. Materials and research methods. The research was carried out at the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The study included 120 women of reproductive age who were diagnosed with nonspecific vaginitis. Examination of women was carried out according to the generally accepted scheme: anamnesis, including complaints of patients, general clinical and gynecological examinations, laboratory, instrumental, bacteriological studies, the calculation was carried out by a mathematical method. The largest part of all patients was aged 18-30 years, i.e. reproductive age. Results and its discussion. The frequency of menstrual irregularities in women included in the study with nonspecific vaginitis was high. When studying pregnancy-related indicators in women with nonspecific vaginitis, it was found that the frequency of primary and secondary infertility, as well as miscarriage in these women, is quite high. The structure of extragenital diseases in women with nonspecific vaginitis was different. Although various pathologies (of the urinary system, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system) occurred with different frequencies, the rates were quite high.