The study aimed to measurement the level of application of palm groves owners to scientific recommendations related to combating pests trees of palm trees in Al-Husayniyah district/Karbala governorate in general, which includes the fields (pests control and spider dust, disease control, and weeds control)as well as finding the correlation between the level of application of palm groves owners to scientific recommendations and some personal variables in addition to identifying the important problems facing palm groves owners in the field of pest control of palm trees ,the sample included 149 the owner of a grove , the data were collected in the personal interview by questionnaire form , it was verified by its authenticity by presenting it to the experts of the validity face and authenticity of the validity, and the reliability of coefficient of the test(0.81), and the researcher has used many statistical methods such as(the medium range, pearson correlation, test (t). The results showed that the level of application of palm grove owners to scientific recommendations in combating the most important pests palm trees were medium to low, and the results showed a significant correlation At the level of (0.01) between the level of application scientific recommendations and each of the variables (number of palm tree, possession of control requirements, attitudes towards pest control of palm trees, exposure to agriculture information sources), and the problem of there is no of a clear and binding plan for the state in the field of air control and a problem lack of government support for the owners of palm groves in the first and second rank respectively for the problems experienced by the owners of palm groves, the researcher recommends the need to intensify and organize guidance efforts provided by the ministry of agriculture and its various formations for the purpose of increasing the level of knowledge and skills of palm grove owners, and dissemination of scientific recommendations in the control against palm pests .