Gut Microbiota and Its Role in Metabolism of Common Drugs–A Short Review

Our gut is home to over a trillion of microbes existing in a symbiotic relationship with its host organ. The enzymes synthesized by gut Microflora have been long known to influence our health, but their role in the metabolism of drugs has not been studied to that extent. Similar to drug metabolizing enzymes in liver and intestine, gut Microbiota can modulate the metabolism of drugs in a number of ways including but not limited to hydrolysis, reduction, or degradation of a drug molecule. The role of liver and intestine has been extensively studied during early drug discovery for its influence on drug metabolism but very less emphasis is given to metabolism of drugs by gut Microbiota . This review paper discusses the role of gut Microflora and its role to alter drug metabolism and advocate the inclusion of microbial metabolism screening during drug development.