The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental study of the readiness of frontier cadets for social interaction in the conditions of future professional activity. The relevance and scientific and practical significance of the study are outlined. The essence of social interaction of personality and readiness of personality to it is analyzed. The components, indicators of readiness of the individual for social interaction are distinguished. It offers methods and techniques for its research. The results of the ascertaining experiment of studying a number of indicators of readiness of groups of border cadets, which have its high and low level of formation, are presented. Characterization of their differences using methods of mathematical statistics is conducted. Future border guards with a high level of readiness for social interaction are more confident, correct, prone to compromise, cooperation, support of others in difficult situations. Students with a low level of readiness for social interaction can be characterized as inclined to dominate, emotionally not restrained, aggressive. The connection of readiness of cadets for social interaction with their communicative qualities and properties is established: communicative tolerance; sociability and affiliation.