直流GIL/GIS绝缘子表面电荷积聚诱发的沿面闪络问题是制约其工程应用的关键,而电荷诱发闪络的物理机制尚不明晰。本文对近20年直流电压下GIL/GIS绝缘子表面电荷对固–气界面闪络性能的影响及机理研究进行了梳理。首先以切向主导型与混合型电场分布对应的电荷积聚模式为分类标准,归纳了固–气界面闪络电压的影响因素,并分析了金属微粒等设备缺陷所导致的电荷积聚对沿面闪络的影响;重点总结了表面电荷诱发沿面闪络现象的物理机制及理论模型;最后,对直流电压下固–气界面电荷积聚与沿面闪络关联机制研究的关键问题和未来挑战进行了展望。 For DC GIL/GIS, the surface flashover induced by insulator surface charge accumulation has become the critical problem restricting its engineering application. However the physical mechanism of charge-induced flashover is unclear. This paper reviews the influence and method of insulator surface charge on the flashover performance of solid-gas interface under DC voltage in the last 20 years. Firstly, the influence factors of flashover voltage are summarized according to the charge accumulation mode corresponding to the distribution of the tangential component-dominant electricfield and the hybrid electric field, and the influence of charge accumulation caused by metal particles on surface flashover is analyzed. Then, the physical mechanism and theoretical model of surface charge inducing flashover are summarized. Finally, the key issues and future challenges of the research on the correlation between surface charge accumulation and surface flashover under DC voltage are prospected.