Influence of working bodies of technical means on injury and quality of seed of grain crops

Theoretical calculations and experimental studies show that during the technological process of transporting seeds by technical means, in particular ladle conveyors, macro- and especially microtrauma of grains occurs, which affects a decrease in quality indicators. Analysis of the studies shows that the structural parameters of the working bodies, the biological and physico-mechanical properties of the kernels, as well as the material for the manufacture or coating of the working elements, affect the trauma and quality of the seeds. Experimental data showed that microtrauma of winter wheat grains before transportation was in the range of 22,9- 23,5%, and after completion of the transportation process was 45,3-46,4%, that is, doubled. Further studies to improve the quality of seeds of grain crops, reduce the harmful effects of microorganisms on caryopsis and reduce macro- and microtrauma should be carried out in the relationship and the complex of biological and physico-mechanical features of the entire technological process.