Pengaruh Electronic Book Dagusibu Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Tentang Antibiotik Di Kota Denpasar

The use of antibiotics in health services is often inappropriate so that it can lead to less effective treatment, increased risks to patient safety, widespread resistance, and high treatment costs. In 2013 approximately 700,000 deaths due to antibiotic resistance occurred worldwide. One way to control the incidence of bacterial resistance is to use antibiotics rationally. The use of antibiotics can be said to be rational if it is carried out through the DAGUSIBU movement, namely by getting, using, storing, and disposing of drugs properly and correctly. This study aims to determine the description and effect on the level of knowledge about antibiotics before and after the DAGUSIBU antibiotic e-book education in Denpasar City. This research is a quasi-experimental design research with a one pre test – post test design approach. In the sampling technique using a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling and using a minimum sample size of 30 samples. Prior to education, the level of public knowledge was 40% good and 40% less. Judging from the value of knowledge during the pre-test to post-test III, there was an increase in public knowledge after being given e-book education, this indicates that there is an effect of DAGUSIBU antibiotic e-book education. So it is necessary to educate (directly or indirectly) the community to increase the level of knowledge of DAGUSIBU antibiotics in preventing antibiotic resistance. Keywords: Antibiotics, Education, Influence