Teaching information literacy has always been a challenging issue to tackle. Classical teaching and learning activities require students to sit, to read, to understand and to be able to answer questions to meet the minimum accomplishment criteria. To undergo joyful learning, this board-based learning experience has enabled the teacher to manifest varied teaching strategies despite the limited resources and also to facilitate students to develop their reading, communication, and social skills. The findings of this study indicate that this experience has represented positive impacts toward the improvement of students’ information literacy interest and academic results. Not only relatively livelier learning experience, it has stimulated students to use mind map strategy to locate keywords and to link them with details in an informational text, resulting in the progress of the individual score progress by average which reached 21.67 points. Special notes should be addressed to the teachers or other practitioners that we should always give attention to students to find ways to connect main ideas, supporting ideas and blend them into the context. As the conclusion, the teacher should be able to enhance their teaching skill by integrating any teaching strategies.