Michel Foucault is a popular thinker accros disciplines in academia. In Indonesian communication studies, his concepts is used in several way as an instrument analysis on many communication act/event. The problem is only little, or even no one, wrote how to do Foucualdian method of analysis in the context of communication studies. This article proposes how to do Foucauldian analysis in communication studies by focusing in analyzing of statement, historical analysis and analisis of power. This article explain that Foucauldian discourse analysis is not textual-linguistic analysis, then it could be done in all of research area within communication studies, including communication researches with managerial perspective such as public relations, business communication and others. To cite this article (7th APA style): Dhona, H. R. (2019). Analisis Wacana Foucault dalam Studi Komunikasi [Using Foucauldian Discourse Analysis in Communication Studies]. Journal Communication Spectrum, 9(1), 79-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.36782/jcs.v9i1.2026