The Dream of the Red Chamber (Hong Lou Meng) was written in the late 18th century and is known throughout China as the greatest classical novel. From the early 19th century to the mid-20th century, the translation of this classical novel constantly appeared in the English-speaking world. However, there were section translations, abridge translations and compiled translations. In the 1970s and 1980s, the full translation was finally realized. This article is divided into five parts: Firstly, it introduced the status and background of The Dream of the Red Chamber. Secondly, in the literature review part, it reviewed the three stages of The Dream of the Red Chamber translation in academic circles. Thirdly, it reviewed the translation history of The Dream of the Red Chambers. Fourthly, Bonsall’s story was told and the background of his full translation was presented. Finally, the three full translations were summarized, and suggestions were given for further study.