在实地考察的基础上,编制河南省嵩县低等短角亚目名录。报道了河南双翅目1新记录科,臭虻科(Coenomyiidae);1新记录属,臭虻属(Coenomyia);以及1新记录种,黄斑臭虻(Coenomyia maculata Yang & Nagatomi, 1994)。凭证标本存放于中国农业大学昆虫学系。截至目前,嵩县记载的低等短角亚目昆虫共有7科37属70种。On the basis of field survey, a checklist of lower Brachycera from Songxian County, Henan Province, is compiled. The dipterous family Coenomyiidae, the genus Coenomyia, and the species Coenomyia maculata Yang & Nagatomi, 1994, are newly reported from Henan. The voucher specimens are deposited in Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. Up to now, there are 7 families, 37 genera and 70 species of lower brachyceran insects recorded from Songxian County.