上个世纪后半叶后现代主义教育思潮逐渐在西方国家盛行,随着后现代社会的到来,后现代主义教育思潮对教育的影响日益凸显,国内的许多教育专家将矛头指向“后现代主义教育”,对其进行研究。我国教育学者从1994年起就开始研究“后现代主义教育”,并取得了较为丰硕的成果。本文主要考察后现代主义教育思潮基本内容及其时代特征,来阐明后现代主义教育思潮对我国教育信息化改革的启示,以促进互联网时代的教育更好、更快、更全面的发展。 In the second half of the last century, postmodernism educational trend of thought gradually prevailed in western countries. With the advent of postmodern society, the impact of postmodernism educational trend of thought on education is becoming increasingly prominent. Many educators in China point their finger at “postmodern education” and study it. Educators have been studying “postmodern education” since 1994, and have achieved relatively fruitful results. This article mainly examines the basic content of the postmodernism educational trend of thought and its era characteristics to clarify the enlightenment of postmodernism educational trend of thought on my country’s educational informationization reform, in order to promote better, faster and more comprehensive development of education in the era of internet.

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