Article Review: Overview of Covid-19

The coronary virus family involves human pathogens of great importance, so that at the end of December 2019, the new CORONA virus was identified as the origin of a set of cases of pneumonia of unidentified causes in Wuhan, a city in China’s Hubei Province. The recent coronavirus quickly turned into widespread and challenging to deal with, leading to its transmission throughout China, followed by a rising number of cases in many communities around the world. COVID-19 is spread through large drops generated during coughing and sneezing by cases with symptoms of the disease, as well as individuals who do not show manifestations before their symptoms begin. Many research has reported that the incubation period for Coronara virus infection 2 (SARS-Cove-2) is 14 days after exposure to the virus four to five days. People of all ages may be infected with SARS-HIV-2, although people are common in middle-aged and older age groups. The clinical characteristics that accompany the patient include fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, conjunctivitis headaches, muscle pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. So, however, there are no particular clinical features that accurately differentiate COVID-19 from other viral infections in the upper/lower airway. In a subset of cases, however, by the end of the first week of infection, COVID-19 may progress into pneumonia and pulmonary failure followed by death. The aim here is to discuss COVID-19 in term of virology and epidemiology to continuing clinical demonstrations, diagnosis and complications, and to complete possible management options and conclusion.