本文以PX4飞控系统为基础,针对复合式VTOL无人机在固定翼模式下高度/速度的耦合问题,将总能量控制引入了复合式VTOL无人机的控制系统中。对于总能量控制核心算法进行了推导并设计了符合PX4飞控代码习惯的总能量控制模块,通过Gazebo仿真软件进行硬件在环仿真验证了总能量控制模块对复合式VTOL无人机速度控制和高度控制的解耦有良好的效果。 Based on Px4 flight control system, this paper introduces total energy control into the control system of VTOL UAV, aiming at the coupling problem of altitude/velocity in fixed wing mode. The core algorithm of total energy control is deduced, and the total energy control module is de-signed according to Px4 flight control code habit, and the hardware in the loop simulation by the gazebo simulation software verifies that the total energy control module has a good effect on the decoupling of the speed control and height control of the compound VTOL UAV.

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