Introduction: This decade considered to be the most horrible and challenging decades ever seen, in spite of many preexisting challenges and problems the whole world suffers from an unknown and new health issue in the name of CORONA famously reffered as COVID-19. This corona Virus Disease 2019 was sudden outbreak in one of the cities of china called WUHAN in 2019. Methods and Materials: The study was conducted by using a carefully defined tool of demographic variables and a set of knowledge questionnaire. The 230 samples responded accordingly and the scores were given for the correct responses. Results and Findings: The result of the research was based on the statistical analysis and interpretation of the results. Among the 230 samples near half of the samples (n=114) has knowledge below median (49.56%) and (n=116) has knowledge more than median score (50.43). the median score was 14. The range was set from 4-25. The minimum score taken by the samples is 4 and the maximum was 25. Hence this research strongly support that the nursing students need to have a evidenced based knowledge training sessions in their respective educational institutions to promote the public towards vaccination against covid-19. There was no significant association was found with selected demographical variables. Conclusion: The human race suffered a strange and deadliest disease called COVID-19 in this decade. After successful and researchful evidences the world and India come up with a great precautionary act called vaccines to the covid-19. The health care worker faced a problem in understanding the vaccine efficacy and the truth about the vaccines. so researcher found extreme need of identifying the knowledge of student nurses regarding the covid vaccines. By this researcher strongly suggest the training of nursing students regarding vaccines.