Teacher Quality Improvement by Reinforcing Organization Support, Training Effectiveness, and Collaboration in B-Accredited Private Elementary Schools in Bogor Regency

Teacher quality refers to the level of teachers’ capability in providing education for their students by taking into account the capability of each student. However, according to a pre-survey, teacher quality in B-accredited private elementary schools in Bogor regency was still considered low. This concern intrigued the researcher to formulate several new methods and strategies which could be implemented in order to improve teacher quality by identifying and developing certain affecting variables which included organization support, training effectiveness, and collaboration. This study involved 710 teachers from 73 B-accredited private elementary schools in Bogor Regency as the population. Proportional random sampling method was administered for this study while the samples were taken by using Slovin formula with the sampling error rate of 5%. The final samples were 256 teachers from 38 schools. The method of this study was quantitative method with SITOREM analysis. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relation between organization support and teacher quality with correlation coefficient (RY1) of 0.759 (strong), there is a positive and significant relation between training effectiveness and teacher quality with correlation coefficient(RY1) of 0.726 (strong), and there was a positive and significant relation between collaboration and teacher quality with correlation coefficient(RY1) of 0.591 (medium). These result simplied that teacher productivity and quality can be improved by reinforcing the variables of organization support, training effectiveness, and collaboration. Based on SITOREM analysis from these research variables, there are sixteen indicators that need to be adjusted in order to improve teacher quality. On the level of priority, they are; 1) commitment to improve employees’ welfare, 2) work rewards, 3) contribution, 4)environmental circumstances, 5)cost effectiveness, 6) behaviours, 7) feedbacks, 8) organization results, 9)shared perceptions, 10)priority on common interest, 11)benefits,12)interactions,13) integrity, 14) creativity, 15) inspirations, and 16) professionalism. Meanwhile, some indicators that should be well-maintained include improvement on employee’s motivation, learning, honesty, and positive attitudes.