Salah satu diversifikasi pengolahan pisang adalah menjadi tepung pisang instan dengan pengering drum dryer. Teknologi pengeringan ini memerlukan bahan pengisi dan agen anti pencoklatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengoptimasi konsentrasi tapioka, asam sitrat dan puree pisang dalam proses pembuatan tepung pisang Cavendish instan. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Response Surface Methodology (RSM), tiga parameter yang dioptimasi adalah konsentrasi tapioka, asam sitrat dan puree pisang. Level dari input parameter adalah tapioka 3-10%, asam sitrat 150-300 ppm dan puree pisang 1-50%. Karakteristik fisiko-kimia produk tepung pisang instan kemudian dianalisis, meliputi kadar air, abu, lemak, protein, karbohidrat, serat kasar, kalori, dan warna (oHue). Hasil prediksi variabel respon dari formula optimal yaitu kadar air 2,67 %, abu 1,60 %, lemak 3,09%, protein 2,38%, karbohidrat 90,26%, serat kasar 7,49%, kalori 398,84 Kkal/100g, dan warna 67,78oHue (kuning kecoklatan). Formula optimum tepung pisang instan adalah formula 6, yaitu dengan penambahan tapioka 6,50%, asam sitrat 225 ppm dan puree pisang 30%. Tepung pisang instan berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai makanan sarapan melalui formulasi dengan penambahan bahan yang lain seperti lemak dan protein. Optimisation of The Instant Cavendish Banana Flour Formula by Response Surface Method. 2018. Ermi Sukasih, Setyadjit, Sunarmani and Sri Rejeki R. Pertiwi.One of diversification products of banana is instant flour using drum dryer. It requires filler and anti-browning agents. The purpose of this research was to get the optimum concentration of tapioca, citric acid and banana puree to produce instant banana flour.The experiment used Response Surface Methodology (RSM), with three parameters being optimized, i.e. the concentration of tapioca, citric acid and banana puree. The percentage used for tapioca in the range of 3-10 %, citric acid 150-300 ppm and banana puree 1-50%. TThe instant banana flour was analyzed for its physicochemical characteristics, i.e: moisture, ash, fat, protein, carbohydrate, crude fiber content, energy, and color 67.78 (oHue). The result of variable response prediction from the optimum formula was moisture content 2.67%, ash 1.60%, fat 3.09%, protein 2.38%, carbohydrate 90.26%, crude fiber 7.49%, color 67.78oHue brownish yellow, energy 398.84 kcal/100g. The optimum formula was formula 6, with the addition of tapioca 6.50%, citric acid 225 ppm and banana puree 30%. This product has a potential to be used as a breakfast food through further formulations with the addition of other ingredients such as fat and protein.