Aceh Province in 2013 had 45,7% use of iodized salt in households, and slightly increased in 2015 by 57,9%. The low use of iodized salt is a factor in the lack of knowledge and behavior that is not in accordance with nutritional guidelines. Increasing iodized salt consumption is possible through the role of housewives through providing basic training. The research aims to increased mothers' knowledge, attitudes and actions about iodine content in household consumption salt through training. The research design is quasi-experiment, was conducted in coastal areas and highlands areas in Lhoknga District, at 2018, and samples were housewives as many as 54 people. The training uses practical methods and discussion, and interviews to collect data. Statistical analysis using the Repeated Measerud Anova and T-Independent. Results, iodized salt training can improve knowledge, attitude and practice (p 0,05), tindakan ibu-ibu belum bisa ditingkatkan pada minggu pertama (p> 0,05), dan signifikan peningkatannya minggu kedua dan ketiga (p< 0,01). Pelatihan pemeriksaan garam beryodium mempunyai efektifitas yang lebih baik (p< 0,01) dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan. Kesimpulan, pelatihan garam beryodium sangat baik dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan dibandingkan intervensi ceramah. Saran, perlu pemantauan dan pengawasan pemerintah melalui dinas kesehatan kabupaten terkait klaim pada kemasan garam beryodium yang mencantumkan garam dengan kadar yodium ≥ 30 ppm.