The structural and functional features of youth using the social capital in the process of their political culture becoming are described. It is determined that social capital as a psychological resource is the social and psychological capabilities of social micro-environment, using which personality can achieve their own goals and assist to realize group goals to which he or she belongs. It is noted that political culture is a system of psychological attitudes that form the interaction of personality with political environment; a certain level of awareness of political processes, trust in social and political institutions, the sharing of freedom values, tolerance, and the personal ability to actively engage in social and political processes. The components of political culture (perceptions about politics, political values, political symbols, individual motives to participate in political life, political behavior of personality) and components of social capital (effectiveness of social interaction, social cohesion, social identification, interpersonal trust, readiness for mutual assistance) are selected. The process of political culture formation on the basis of social capital as a psychological resource is described, in which the effectiveness of social interaction, which based on personal communicative skills, personal alienation from society, affects on the formation for all components of youth political culture and serves as a function of political communication; social identification reflects the role of sense of belonging to the group during the tolerance formation which is political value, ideas about politics and motives for participation in politics, serves as a function of socialization and recruiting; social cohesion based on the process of grouping and interaction in society on the horizontal level, acts on all components of political culture, serves as a function of interests creation; interpersonal trust forms the motives of political participation, serves the function of interests accumulation.