Sri Vaishnava Tradition has been considering both Sanskrit and Tamil as its two eyes and hence the scholars were refered as “Ubhaya vedantins” (Knowledgeable in both Tamil and Sanskrit). It is popular belief that Acharyas are very fluent in Vedas, Upanishads and the rest while not so much accustomed to Tamil literature. On the contrary the early Acharyas have excelled in their knowledge of Tamil literature and have used their Tamil vocabulary to enrich their commentaries for Divyaprabandams. From Acharya Ramanuja to present day heads of Vaishnava tradition have maintained that Divyaprabandams have to be revered as “Veda samyam” and often referred to them as “Tamil Marai” (Vedas in Tamil). This essay presents glimpses in to the commentary literature and the life style of Acharyas to throw light into the knowledge and service rendered by Acharyas for the Tamil language