Among the recent relationship dynamics, Vulnerability is emerging as a strong foundational facet of fulfilling relationships, provided, the nuances of the idea are understood in an evolving fashion. This topic sheds light upon understanding the role vulnerability plays in building authentic relationships. The article explores the concept in depth touching every nook and crannies of elements that impact relationships. There has been some work done in this field thus far and understanding those existing literature has guided towards the existing gaps which can be bridged with further research, manifesting novel perspectives. Much evaluation and assessment were conducted on myriad facets, viz. self-disclosure, conflict resolution, response effect, models/theories of self and relationships, spousal support, societal influence, and intimacy After selective mining and analyses of available data, it has been observed that there is a limited understanding of vulnerability as a whole concept, albeit being relevant in bits and pieces in its components. Nevertheless, it is observed that there is a dearth of detailed research in understanding the nature of vulnerability and interrelated concerns. As vulnerability creates an opportunity in creating emotional freedom and intimacy between couples, the article is followed by a concluding discussion highlighting its impact and effect on relationships.